Fully-featured evaluation kit for AD7686 16-Bit PulSAR ADCs
06-03-2015 |
Mouser Electronics
Design & Manufacture
Mouser now offers from stock the Analog Devices EVAL-AD7686-PMDZ
fully-featured evaluation kit for the AD7686 16-Bit PulSAR ADCs.
The board operates in stand-alone mode or in conjunction with the
EVAL-SDP-CB1Z system development platform. When operated with the system
development platform software, the EVAL-AD7686-PMDZ enables the designer to
perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. The software includes
the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation
board in stand-alone operation or when operated with the system development
platform. When operated in stand-alone mode the ADZS-BRKOUT-EX3 break-out
board is recommended for access to various control pins.