Low outgassing rated epoxy offers enhanced chemical resistance

15-05-2020 | Masterbond | Subs & Systems

Master Bond's EP42-2LV Black is a two-part epoxy with low viscosity and good flow. It resists prolonged immersion in many acids, solvents, bases, fuels and oils. This versatile system can be employed for bonding, sealing, coating and casting, where a strong chemical resistance profile is needed.

This compound has a simple to use mix ratio of 100 to 40 by weight or 100 to 50 by volume with Part A being black and Part B being light amber. The viscosity of the mixed system is around 1,000-2,000cps, and it has a long working life of 60 to 90 minutes per 100g batch. The epoxy cures optically opaque at room temperature in two to three days or at elevated temperatures of 200F in two to three hours. For optimal performance, the recommended cure schedule is overnight at room temperature followed by heat curing at 150-200F for two to four hours.

It meets NASA low outgassing specifications and is serviceable over an extensive temperature range from -60F to 350F. The epoxy is recommended for applications in electronic, aerospace, optical and OEM industries. It is offered in 1/2 pint, pint, quart, and gallon kits. Speciality packaging is also provided in gun dispensers and premixed and frozen syringes.

By Natasha Shek