Electronics Articles

Electropages Insights Blog covers the latest in electronic design through webinars and articles. Delve into topics from sensors to AI implications. Stay ahead with Electropages.

Analog Devices has unveiled its SHARC Audio Module Platform

Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) has announced the availability of the SHARC Audio Module (ADZS-SC589-MINI), a hardware and software platform that facilitates efficient product prototyping, development, and production for a variety of digital audio products. At the...

By Rob Coppinger | 28-03-2019

Liquid cooled electronics market seeing rapid growth

In the field of electronic cooling, it is now becoming widely accepted that liquid cooling is a much better technology solution, compared to air cooling. Despite the advantages of liquid cooling, ‘hybrid’ air-liquid cooling systems are used at some data centre...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 27-03-2019

Engineered Micro Ionic Ceramics Could Improve Battery Performances

Ionic ceramics that have engineered micrometre-sized grain structure boundaries could improve how fast a battery can be recharged, how long it can hold that charge and how fast it can discharge that energy. Ceramics, non-carbon based, inorganic materials, can...

By Rob Coppinger | 25-03-2019

Is it time to muzzle the tech companies' data scoff?

Online data about you is valuable stuff and high-tech companies have freely been able to feast on it, monetise and market it without your say so. But those days could be numbered as pressure grows from Government and industry experts, including web founder Sir...

By Paul Whytock | 20-03-2019

Industrial Lasers Innovation Reaches New Heights

The use of lasers across a swathe of the manufacturing industry, as tools capable of delivering intense cutting or welding power with high precision, is increasing. Beginning in the early 1980s, the automotive industry was an early user of high power lasers. A...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 19-03-2019

How to Save Energy With Smart Home Automation

Smart home control and smart home automation afford many benefits. There’s the convenience of configuring scenes, consolidating device control, and providing enhanced security. While a smart home may simplify various behavioural processes, such as turning on o...

By Moe Long | 18-03-2019

Remote Sensors Could Be Powered By Energy Harvesting Wind and Sunlight

Energy Harvesting Flags Thin metal flags of different sizes and shapes with conforming piezoelectric strips and photovoltaic cells attached could power remote sensors or other electronics indefinitely. With photovoltaic cells attached to the flag, solar power...

By Rob Coppinger | 15-03-2019

Emerging Companies Take Centre Stage at Embedded World 2019

Last week saw much of Mouser’s European team over in Nuremberg, attending the annual Embedded World exhibition and conference. Not far from our stand in Hall 3A, was the Start-Up Area. When there was a little bit of time available in my otherwise packed schedu...

By Mark Patrick | 13-03-2019

Eddy current technology for high precision monitoring

Gap monitoring plays an important role in precision engineering. However, in machinery such as hydraulic pumps, gap calculations have proven to be difficult if not impossible. Pumps are exceptionally compact and exert considerable restrictions on the space ava...

By Nnamdi Anyadike | 12-03-2019

US researchers develop organic polymer electronics that can heal themselves

Organic polymers that conduct electricity could lead to biodegradable electronics and self-repairing systems according to researchers at the University of California Merced. These polymers are expected to enable devices that can self-repair when cracked or...

By Rob Coppinger | 12-03-2019

Best Real-world Uses of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI), while popular in science fiction films ranging from “The Terminator” to “2001: A Space Odyssey,” looks a bit different than its current real-world implementation. AI boasts a bevy of applications, from gaming to virtual assi...

By Moe Long | 11-03-2019

Big Brother Knows Exactly Where You're Hiding Stuff

What's all this Big Brother knows exactly where you're hiding stuff about – anyway? Unless you’re a hermit living in a subterranean cavern in the Outer Hebrides you’ll be aware of how often our “Big Brother” society is watching you these days. Street and highw...

By Paul Whytock | 08-03-2019